Attention: Business owners, Founders, Creatives, and Solopreneurs
Have You Tried to Use AI or ChatGPT for Creating Content and Writing Emails but Find It’s Frustrating, Scary, or Not Worth Your Time?
Discover The only 3 ChatGPT prompts you need that will help you create better content, faster, easier, 
and that will actually sound like you wrote it.
No more being frustrated at the bots, no more auto-responses that sound like a robot wrote them.
Have You Tried to Use Ai or Chatgpt for Creating Content and Writing Emails but Find It’s Frustrating, Scary, or Not Worth Your Time?
Discover The only 3 ChatGPT prompts you need that will help you create better content, faster, easier, and that will actually sound like you wrote it.
No more being frustrated at the bots, no more auto-responses that sound like a robot wrote them.
You know the importance of creating content, emailing your list, posting on social media, but the endless treadmill that is content creation is exhausting!
It’s estimated that over 2.45 billion pieces of content per day are uploaded just to Facebook alone. Never mind TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and others.

It can feel like a rat race that no one is winning!

  • You put all of this effort into writing and creating emails and content, just to have them forgotten about the next day when something else new and interesting comes up in the feed.
  • Or maybe you’re constantly putting out fires in your business, constantly fulfilling for clients, or doing little tasks that you don’t even have time for writing emails or creating content and getting started can feel overwhelming and impossible. 
You know the importance of creating content, emailing your list, posting on social media, but the endless treadmill that is content creation is exhausting!
It’s estimated that over 2.45 billion pieces of content per day are uploaded just to Facebook alone. Never mind TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and others.
You put all of this effort into writing and creating emails and content, just to have them forgotten about the next day when something else new and interesting comes up in the feed.
Or maybe you’re constantly putting out fires in your business, constantly fulfilling for clients, or doing little tasks that you don’t even have time for writing emails or creating content and getting started can feel overwhelming and impossible. 

Does this sound familiar? 

Desk is full of post-it-notes of good ideas, things you want to write about or share. You know you need to create that sales page, finish the landing page, write 6 months of emails, create ads, post on social media, and the list goes on and on. You’re just one person. You only have so many hours in the day!
It can feel impossible to do the things in your business that you know you should be doing.
This happens when your priorities are determined by the things you’re good at, the things you’re skilled in, and the things you like to do.
I mean… of course it is!
I don’t want to do things I don’t like doing  😅
You know you need to post on social, write emails, and create content but who has the time?

 This Is the Great Struggle of the Solopreneur

balancing the things that you want to do in your business, the things that you like to do in your business, 
and the things that you need to do in your business.

 This Is the Great Struggle of the Solopreneur

balancing the things that you want to do in your business, the things that you like to do in your business, 
and the things that you need to do in your business.
The most successful business owners know that you can have the best product or service; but if you aren’t communicating, if you aren’t marketing, if you aren’t creating attention and desire for what you offer… then your business will die.
We’ve all seen a business that is all smoke and mirrors and zero sustenance. Right? But they’re still making sales! They’re still profitable. Meanwhile, you’re honest, hardworking, you have a quality product, you stand by what you do, but it feels like no one wants it
Why? Because the attention, the eyeballs, the messaging, the desire--all of the elements necessary for making sales and doing marketing aren’t there.
You know you need to post on social, write emails, and create content but who has the time?
Maybe you’ve tried using tools like AI, ChatGPT, Google Bard, Chatsonic, Midjourney, DALL-E, Jasper, or more…Maybe you’ve seen other people successfully using these systems to make their lives easier and you wonder, how are they doing it when I’ve tried and I don’t get nearly the same results?

It's time to make a change

You could try to hire a writer, but that will be expensive and time-consuming and they might not sound like you.
(even though I know you wish you could)
You can’t make more hours in the day

What if I could show you the 3 ChatGPT prompts that will have you producing content that looks and sounds like you wrote it

I want to show you how you can use AI to work smarter, not harder
I’ll teach you the only 3 AI prompts you will ever need to create quality content, write emails faster, save time, money, and frustration.


I had been playing with AI, but never had any idea of how to “train” it to do more than answer basic questions. I would use it to create content, but still required me to edit for tone of voice. The Ultimate AI Formula really gave me some great ideas of how to generate more authentic content delivered close to my own style of writing. I never would have had any idea this was even possible. Thanks Jillian!
Jessica Dohm
Dohmain Designs
"I've already closed 3 clients from the emails I creating using the Ultimate AI Formula -- thanks Jillian!"
-Katie F.
"The Ultimate AI Formula is going to save me $900 a month in content creation"
-Austin M

If you’re ready, then The Ultimate AI Formula™ by Jillian Kendrick is for you.

Take your writing, your content, your production, and your marketing to the next level! 
The Ultimate AI Formula™ isn't just another program with theory. It’s an experience where I walk you through everything step-by-step where we’ll transform your content, your writing, and (subsequently) your marketing.
If you’re tired of playing with ChatGPT, not getting anywhere, and giving it up out of frustration or feeling like you’ve wasted your time with AI and don’t see what all the hype is about… 
If you're tired of trying to find the answers and just want to take your business to the next level, The Ultimate AI Formula™ is the answer.

What if I could show you the 3 ChatGPT prompts that will have you producing content that looks and sounds like you wrote it

I want to show you how you can use AI to work smarter, not harder
I’ll teach you the only 3 AI prompts you will ever need to create quality content, write emails faster, save time, money, and frustration.

If you’re ready, then The Ultimate AI Formula™ by Jillian Kendrick is for you.

Take your writing, your content, your production, and your marketing to the next level! 
The Ultimate AI Formula™ isn't just another program with theory. It’s an experience where I walk you through everything step-by-step where we’ll transform your content, your writing, and (subsequently) your marketing.
If you’re tired of playing with ChatGPT, not getting anywhere, and giving it up out of frustration or feeling like you’ve wasted your time with AI and don’t see what all the hype is about… 
If you're tired of trying to find the answers and just want to take your business to the next level, The Ultimate AI Formula™ is the answer.
Inside of The Ultimate AI Formula™ you’ll get a step-by-step written guide of exactly what you need to do in ChatGPT to create better content, write better emails, write copy that sells, create compelling narratives, and key-in your messaging better, easier, and faster than ever before
In fact, using the 3 prompts I’m going to teach you inside of The Ultimate AI Formula™, you’ll likely double or even triple the amount of content, emails, and other written collateral that you used to be able to create in the same amount of time or less.
  • 3 content assets that I will teach you how to generate and use every time you go to create something with ChatGPT.
  • Turbocharge your content strategy and writing time by unlocking these three content assets only taught inside of The Ultimate AI Formula™. 
  • Master the art of writing compelling emails that will sell
  • Uncover the secrets behind using AI as a teaching tool, rather than a creation tool. 
  • Learn the ultimate skill to unlock the awesome power of AI.
  • Gain a competitive edge by learning how to generate content that doesn’t sound like a robot wrote it.
  • Develop a marketing strategy and content strategy that targets your ideal audience
  • Experience the fluidity of AI-generated content that actually sounds like you
  • Stay ahead of the competition with written and creative content that is for your ideal customer, includes your story, and drives towards people taking the actions you want them to take.
  • Replace outdated business tools with AI 
And that’s just the start...
Inside of The Ultimate AI Formula™ you’ll get a step-by-step written guide of exactly what you need to do in ChatGPT to create better content, write better emails, write copy that sells, create compelling narratives, and key-in your messaging better, easier, and faster than ever before
In fact, using the 3 prompts I’m going to teach you inside of The Ultimate AI Formula™, you’ll likely double or even triple the amount of content, emails, and other written collateral that you used to be able to create in the same amount of time or less.
  • 3 content assets that I will teach you how to generate and use every time you go to create something with ChatGPT.
  • Turbocharge your content strategy and writing time by unlocking these three content assets only taught inside of The Ultimate AI Formula™. 
  • Master the art of writing compelling emails that will sell
  • Uncover the secrets behind using AI as a teaching tool, rather than a creation tool. 
  • Learn the ultimate skill to unlock the awesome power of AI.
  • Gain a competitive edge by learning how to generate content that doesn’t sound like a robot wrote it.
  • Develop a marketing strategy and content strategy that targets your ideal audience
  • Experience the fluidity of AI-generated content that actually sounds like you
  • Stay ahead of the competition with written and creative content that is for your ideal customer, includes your story, and drives towards people taking the actions you want them to take.
  • Replace outdated business tools with AI 
And that’s just the start...
Jillian Rosich Kendrick is a Sales and Marketing Automation Strategist, Founder & CEO of Informed Marketing Solutions, speaker, writer, three-time Best Selling co-author, creator and host of the Momentum Marketing Podcast podcast, founder of the Mama Entrepreneur Success Society (the MESS), creator of the Momentum Method™ and List Builder Blueprint™, but her favorite job title in the world is “Mama”.
Whether speaking, coaching, or working with clients, Jillian’s core strategies are based around these two guiding principles of business: 1) cash flow first, and 2) what is the customer experience? Bringing in consistent cash flow is vital for every business. Once you can do that and you have a strong sales process combined with an unforgettable custom experience and you automate as much as possible, you have a recipe for success and business longevity.
Jillian Rosich Kendrick is a Sales and Marketing Automation Strategist, Founder & CEO of Informed Marketing Solutions, Keap Certified Partner, speaker, writer, three-time Best Selling co-author, creator and host of the Momentum Marketing Podcast podcast, founder of the Mama Entrepreneur Success Society (the mess), creator of the Momentum Method™ and List Builder Blueprint™, but her favorite job title in the world is “Mama”.
Whether speaking, coaching, or working with clients, Jillian’s core strategies are based around these two guiding principles of business: 1) cash flow first, and 2) what is the customer experience? Bringing in consistent cash flow is vital for every business. Once you can do that and you have a strong sales process combined with an unforgettable custom experience and you automate as much as possible, you have a recipe for success and business longevity.


When you’re working with an AI tool, the message that you send or the request that you ask of it is called a prompt. In my experience working with AI, I’ve found that the more details I give within my prompts, the better the results I get. This is why I focus on treating AI as a learning tool rather than a creation tool.
Yes-- we’ll use AI to create content and writing for us, but we’re doing ourselves a disservice if we don’t first take the time to teach AI who we are, who’s our target audience, what we’re selling, and more about our business.
Inside of The Ultimate AI Formula™ I’m going to give you the teaching prompts you need to help ChatGPT (or another AI platform) to learn so that it can write better, more relevant content. 

Here’s the steps:

I’ll give you 6 prompts to fill-in-the-blank and submit to ChatGPT. From there, the system will give you back a detailed analysis of those prompts. And from there, you’ll use that information every time you want to create content inside of AI.

Whether you want to 

  • Attract high-ticket clients
  • Sell online courses
  • Product a Podcast
  • Need help with social media
  • Need content prompts
  • Write a blog
  • Write a book
  • Or more…
The only way to get what you want out of AI is to teach it first, THEN ask it to do things for you. It’s only as smart as you teach it to be. 
So if you’ve been frustrated with trying to use AI and getting nothing, 
it’s because you’re not teaching it first.
So if you’ve been frustrated with trying to use AI and getting nothing, it’s because you’re not teaching it first.
For entrepreneurs who wish we could clone ourselves or use AI to create better versions of ourselves: it’s time to innovate!
Get more done, in less time, easier, faster, and better with The Ultimate AI Formula™
7-day money back guarantee
Copyright © 2023 Jillian Kendrick