List Builder Blueprint™
Get More Leads &
Grow Your List 
on Autopilot
For entrepreneurs who are ready to automate their lead generation, 
attract high-quality leads, and make more sales… 
so you can grow your business with less stress and more results
List Builder Blueprint™
Get More Leads &
Grow Your List
on Autopilot
For entrepreneurs who are ready to automate their lead generation, attract high-quality leads, and make more sales… 
so you can grow your business with less stress and more results
You can’t have a business without sales, and it’s really hard to make sales when there’s no new leads coming in. Leads are the lifeblood of a business, and without leads your future success and all of your income is dependant on word of mouth, people seeing you randomly on social media, posting daily with no traction, or getting frustrated that you’re doing all this hard work for it to not turn into any real dollars. 
Let me save you a lot of anger and grief… more social media posts, more blogs, more of the same stuff that isn’t working, is not going to get you any closer to your goals. Instead, you need to pivot and move away from what you think is valuable and people need, to what it is that they want. When you can give them what they want, then you’ll start attracting people who are actively seeking that thing. 
You need to attract the right people, who want to buy what you offer, who have a problem you can solve, and who are ready to lay down cash money for you to help them with their problem. This is what I teach inside of List Builder Blueprint™.
It’s time to grow your list smarter, easier, and faster with List Builder Blueprint™ 

Have you tried this before?

Maybe you’ve already bought courses promising the world, promising to help you bring in clients, get new leads, and grow a targeted list. But I’m sure they all start with the same thing-- Finding Your Avatar. -- #amiright?
And where most of these other courses fall flat is that they only teach you one step of the entire sales funnel process. This is why List Builder Blueprint™ is different! Not only am I going to teach you how to find any audience and how to bring in leads. But I’m going to give you lead magnet templates. I’m going to show you exactly what lead magnets are working right now and which ones aren’t worth your time. I’m going to teach you exactly what to do after you’ve brought in these leads, how to follow up with them and keep them engaged until they’re ready to buy.

Lead Generation is hard!

How’s your lead gen? Do you like doing it? Does it come easy to you? I’ve worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners in the past 12+ years and without a doubt, almost every single one of them would answer NO to these questions. I’m sure you went into business because you have a skill, you provide a service, or you have an amazing product to offer the world. None of us go into business because we love the daily grind of hunting for new customers. 

How do I piece it all together?

If you’ve tried to do lead gen on your own, you know it’s hard. You know there’s a ton of moving pieces. You know it takes planning, creation, iteration, and more to really do it well. But, who has the time to do all of that? How many new skills would you have to learn to really get it right? Do you have all that time, or do you need leads NOW?!

I Would Be Freaking Out If I Didn’t Have a Jillian. Everything Is So Much Easier When Jillian's on the Phone with Me

-LaRita Jarvis

If you had a blueprint of exactly what to do to bring in new leads every day, how much wasted time and guesswork could you save?

How many new leads are you missing out on because you don’t have a plan in place?

Would it be easier to generate 
new leads If you had


Inside of List Builder Blueprint™ I’ll give you the step-by-step strategies of exactly what you need to do to bring in new leads to your business. And I really do mean step-by-step. I’ve laid everything out in as much detail as possible so you don’t miss a single thing.


Sure it’s easy to create a quick PDF, put out a discount coupon, or add a sales call option to your website, but is that the best option for you? Is one of those things really going to attract the kind of leads you’re looking to sell to?


You’ll move faster and make decisions easier when you have a team of experts supporting you. Because you don’t have to do it by yourself, in isolation, and without anyone to turn to. I’ve got your back. 


97% of your leads (even your most qualified leads) aren’t going to buy right away, so you need a follow-up system in place to keep the conversation going. But building it and writing all those emails takes time. 

That’s why

List Builder Blueprint™ 

is different

List Builder Blueprint™ is a list growth and lead generation 
program that will show you exactly how to find your ideal 
audience of buyers, attract more leads and give them value, 
and then follow up and make offers until they buy.

That’s why

List Builder Blueprint™ 

is different

List Builder Blueprint™ is a list growth and lead generation 
program that will show you exactly how to find your ideal 
audience of buyers, attract more leads and give them value, 
and then follow up and make offers until they buy.
List Builder Blueprint™ includes 3 principle modules that will walk you step-by-step through finding your ideal audience of buyers, building attraction to collect leads, and follow-up system that can convert leads on autopilot.

PLUS+ a few awesome bonuses, including….

List Builder Blueprint™ includes 3 principle modules that will walk you step-by-step through finding your ideal audience of buyers, building attraction to collect leads, and follow-up system that can convert leads on autopilot.

PLUS+ a few awesome bonuses, including….


Ideal Audience

Your ideal audience is more than just people who have money. It’s more than an avatar. And the way I teach creating that audience is not by demographic information, but by problems. If you can solve a problem, you have an audience. If you can provide a solution or a result, you can find people who need that solution: and then you have an audience. I will walk you through scenarios, finding and testing your audience, and building your offer around the core problem you can solve for them. 


Lead Magnet

After we pick a problem to solve and you know exactly what people want and how we’re going to deliver it to them, we need a way to attract them to your solution. I’ve developed a multi-layered marketing approach that I use with my agency clients every day and I will walk you through how to identify which step your ideal audience is in so that you can attract them with a lead magnet that will provide them value based on where they’re at in the process. 


Lead Magnet

After we pick a problem to solve and you know exactly what people want and how we’re going to deliver it to them, we need a way to attract them to your solution. I’ve developed a multi-layered marketing approach that I use with my agency clients every day and I will walk you through how to identify which step your ideal audience is in so that you can attract them with a lead magnet that will provide them value based on where they’re at in the process. 


Autopilot Strategy

We know that only 3% of your audience is going to be willing to buy immediately. So in order to take care of those other 97%, we have to follow up. We have to create engagement, send them opportunities to do business with us, give them value, and continue to build trust that your solution is what they need.


Autopilot Strategy

We know that only 3% of your audience is going to be willing to buy immediately. So in order to take care of those other 97%, we have to follow up. We have to create engagement, send them opportunities to do business with us, give them value, and continue to build trust that your solution is what they need.
…and also includes:
Inside of our group you can get answers to your tough questions, reminders about Q&A’s, reminders about other upcoming training, meet other entrepreneurs, and get accountability to help get you to the finish line. 
 Templates & Tools
You get all the tools, templates, swipes, emails, more to help you get done faster and easier, without the hassle of writing your own content or come up with your own plan.
 Weekly Q&A
You get 12 weeks of Q&A support on our live calls. Whether you need help with a Facebook ad, an email template, finalizing an idea about your funnel, or expert help making a decision in your business. We’ve got you covered!
 Team Support
Everyone on my team can be available to help answer your toughest questions. Whether you need to ask about programming, website construction, automation, funnels, ads, graphic design, project management, or anything else--- We’ve got you covered.
…and also includes:
Inside of our group you can get answers to your tough questions, reminders about Q&A’s, reminders about other upcoming training, meet other entrepreneurs, and get accountability to help get you to the finish line. 
 Templates & Tools
You get all the tools, templates, swipes, emails, more to help you get done faster and easier, without the hassle of writing your own content or come up with your own plan.
 Weekly Q&A
You get 12 weeks of Q&A support on our live calls. Whether you need help with a Facebook ad, an email template, finalizing an idea about your funnel, or expert help making a decision in your business. We’ve got you covered!
 Team Support
Everyone on my team can be available to help answer your toughest questions. Whether you need to ask about programming, website construction, automation, funnels, ads, graphic design, project management, or anything else--- We’ve got you covered.

And List Builder Blueprint™ includes some gorgeous bonuses too…

Bonus #1

Social Ads Accelerator

I’ll show you everything from how to build your ad, which ad type to use, how to test, how to know if your ads are working, what to tweak if they’re not working, and everything you need to know to run profitable social media campaigns.

Bonus #1

Social Ads Accelerator

I’ll show you everything from how to build your ad, which ad type to use, how to test, how to know if your ads are working, what to tweak if they’re not working, and everything you need to know to run profitable social media campaigns.

Bonus #2

Lifetime Access to Updates

Anytime I make updates to the content of the List Builder Blueprint™ you will get immediate, lifetime access to all of those updates – no extra charge! 

Bonus #3

The Online Marketing Playbook

The Online Marketing Playbook is where I show you the exact step-by-step strategy to duplicate my results. So you’re not just getting 600+ leads a month, but it takes it to the next step– which is making the money! That’s why we’re in business, right?

Bonus #3

The Online Marketing Playbook

The Online Marketing Playbook is where I show you the exact step-by-step strategy to duplicate my results. So you’re not just getting 600+ leads a month, but it takes it to the next step– which is making the money! That’s why we’re in business, right?

Bonus #4

Personalized Website Audit

Whether you have a website you love, a website you haven’t touched in years, or you don’t have one at all…more leads means more eyes on your content… this personalized website audit will walk you through a detailed review of your website with an expert.

Imagine just how much your life will change and your business will change when you can…

  • Grow your list on autopilot
  • Step away from the business and trust that things are still working in your favor
  • Follow up with leads and customers without doing any of the work
  • Pivot and update your funnel based on real data - no more second-guessing yourself
  • Increase your monthly recurring revenue by boosting sales on autopilot
“ Working with Jillian was a complete joy - she made me feel confident and at ease that we could crush my biz goals and I have to say I really appreciate her ability to translate what I wanted accomplished in our time together! If you're thinking of hiring Jillian, I highly recommend doing it without delay!”
-Heather Hartman
“ Working with Jillian was a complete joy - she made me feel confident and at ease that we could crush my biz goals and I have to say I really appreciate her ability to translate what I wanted accomplished in our time together! If you're thinking of hiring Jillian, I highly recommend doing it without delay!”
-Heather Hartman

More leads, easier, on autopilot

If you’re ready to get more leads, grow your list, and learn how to make sales on autopilot, List Builder Blueprint™ is here for you. It’s not just another course that you buy and don’t touch. It’s not just self-guided. Honestly, I had those courses! Too many people buy courses they never open, never touch, and dont’ get any value out of. It drives INSANE!
List Builder Blueprint™ is different. The course is specifically designed to walk you step by step through the setup, the planning, the strategy, and more. I walk you through everything, and you’re never alone because you get the weekly Q&A calls, the group component, tema support, all the swipes and templates, The Social Ads Accelerator™, Lifetime access to updates, my Online Marketing Playbook, the personalized website audit and more to help you along your journey!

I’ve got you covered!

Only 1997 - Register Today

Jillian helped us uncover some of our organizational and business system challenges. She came up with a quick and easy solution and put together a fantastic plan and process so that we can move forward and expand our business with ease.

- Lorri Silvera

Jillian helped us uncover some of our organizational and business system challenges. She came up with a quick and easy solution and put together a fantastic plan and process so that we can move forward and expand our business with ease.

- Lorri Silvera

I have never ever gotten so much clarity in one single session. She gets where I’m coming from. She’s an entrepreneur, she’s a mom, and she [helped me organize] all these different bits and pieces that I didn’t know how to stick together… she stuck them together.

- Jade Olivia

WOW, because of you I just totally jumped out of my comfort zone. Just put together my first FB ad for [my business]... This is a big deal for me, I feel like I am growing. Thank you!

-Sharon D

I have never ever gotten so much clarity in one single session. She gets where I’m coming from. She’s an entrepreneur, she’s a mom, and she [helped me organize] all these different bits and pieces that I didn’t know how to stick together… she stuck them together.

- Jade Olivia

There’s payment plans as well, so you don’t have to compromise to 
get the support you need


  • Ideal Audience
  • Lead Magnet
  • Autopilot Strategy
  • Autopilot Strategy ( Group, Templates & Tools, Weekly Q&A, Team Support )
  • Bonus #1: Social Ads Accelerator
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to Updates
  • Bonus #3: The Online Marketing Playbook
  • Bonus #4: Personalized Website Audit


Two Pay 

  • Ideal Audience
  • Lead Magnet
  • Autopilot Strategy
  • Autopilot Strategy ( Group, Templates & Tools, Weekly Q&A, Team Support )
  • Bonus #1: Social Ads Accelerator
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to Updates
  • Bonus #3: The Online Marketing Playbook
  • Bonus #4: Personalized Website Audit

2x 1048

Three Pay

  • Ideal Audience
  • Lead Magnet
  • Autopilot Strategy
  • Autopilot Strategy ( Group, Templates & Tools, Weekly Q&A, Team Support )
  • Bonus #1: Social Ads Accelerator
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to Updates
  • Bonus #3: The Online Marketing Playbook
  • Bonus #4: Personalized Website Audit

3x 699

Six Pay

  • Ideal Audience
  • Lead Magnet
  • Autopilot Strategy
  • Autopilot Strategy ( Group, Templates & Tools, Weekly Q&A, Team Support )
  • Bonus #1: Social Ads Accelerator
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to Updates
  • Bonus #3: The Online Marketing Playbook
  • Bonus #4: Personalized Website Audit

6x 365

You’re meant for something great

If you’ve ever felt a calling towards more, then you’re meant for greatness my friend! If God, the universe, or whatever you believe in (or don’t) has put that desire in your heart… then it’s already yours. It’s already meant for you.
Now, it’s your job to make it happen. It’s your job to make an impact, to grow, to become the person you are meant to be so that you can help others. You are absolutely brilliant at what you do. No one does it better than you do!
Would it make your journey easier, faster, and better if you follow a proven, time-tested system to follow?

Hey I’m Jillian, 
your Automation Funnel Strategist and your guide through List Builder Blueprint™

My journey to entrepreneurship started with my first online job: $3/hr writing social media posts for an airport parking lot (not kidding). I discovered the power of automation and lead generation while working for various clients who were all trying to do the same thing: get more leads and make more sales. It wasn’t long before I developed my own system that I’ve been teaching to students and clients for years.
Fast forward to now and I host a podcast, I’m a 3-time co-author, I don’t work on Fridays to be with my son, I’ve earned millions of dollars for myself and my clients over the years, and I took a 15-month paid, stable maternity leave when I had our son in 2020.

Hey I’m Jillian, 
your Automation Funnel Strategist and your guide through List Builder Blueprint™

My journey to entrepreneurship started with my first online job: $3/hr writing social media posts for an airport parking lot (not kidding). I discovered the power of automation and lead generation while working for various clients who were all trying to do the same thing: get more leads and make more sales. It wasn’t long before I developed my own system that I’ve been teaching to students and clients for years.
Fast forward to now and I host a podcast, I’m a 3-time co-author, I don’t work on Fridays to be with my son, I’ve earned millions of dollars for myself and my clients over the years, and I took a 15-month paid, stable maternity leave when I had our son in 2020.

List Builder Blueprint™ is different

Other courses will teach you lead generation, but not in the way I show you how to do it. They don’t teach a problem first approach, they’ll usually teach you about “finding your avatar” or ask you qualifying questions like “where do you like to shop?”
And while this approach isn’t completely wrong-- it’s not actually right. This approach is lazy and it doesn’t put the marketing and the attraction ahead of the result; which is exactly what I teach.
In list builder blueprint™, you won’t be left guessing. You won’t be left all alone. My team and I will hold your hand and keep you accountable through the entire process. The weekly Q&A calls and the group components are there to help you when you get stuck. 

List Builder Blueprint™ is different

Other courses will teach you lead generation, but not in the way I show you how to do it. They don’t teach a problem first approach, they’ll usually teach you about “finding your avatar” or ask you qualifying questions like “where do you like to shop?”
And while this approach isn’t completely wrong-- it’s not actually right. This approach is lazy and it doesn’t put the marketing and the attraction ahead of the result; which is exactly what I teach.
In list builder blueprint™, you won’t be left guessing. You won’t be left all alone. My team and I will hold your hand and keep you accountable through the entire process. The weekly Q&A calls and the group components are there to help you when you get stuck. 

Discover your problem solving solution

Implement the course in steps

Lean on the team and group for help

Attract highly qualified leads

List Builder Blueprint™
Includes Everything You Need
to Grow Your List and Automate
Follow-Up for More Sales

The world needs your gifts and you deserve a business that serves you.
You got this

List Builder Blueprint™ Includes Everything You Needto Grow Your List and Automate Follow-Up for More Sales

The world needs your gifts and you deserve a business that serves you.
You got this

If You Want This to Be Your Year and You’re Ready to Get More Leads Than You Ever Thought Possible

  • No excuses
  • No drama
  • No more waiting
  • No more dreaming
  • A business that you love and clients that love you is possible

Jillian is a not only a wonderful coach and strategist, but she actually knows what she's talking about. Her knowledge in her craft is always mindblowing and I always learn something new. I would tell you if you're sitting on the fence that you definitely want to work with her as soon as possible.

-Lindsey Ardmore

Jillian is a not only a wonderful coach and strategist, but she actually knows what she's talking about. Her knowledge in her craft is always mindblowing and I always learn something new. I would tell you if you're sitting on the fence that you definitely want to work with her as soon as possible.

-Lindsey Ardmore

14-day 100% money back guarantee.
I’m so confident that you’re going to love this program….
when you enroll in List Builder Blueprint™, if you
Don’t like it for any reason or if you
Don’t learn anything… just email us and we’ll
Refund your money, no questions asked. 
This is for you if… 
  • You know the power of lead generation and having fresh eyes on your offers
  • You’re ready to grow your list and grow your business
  • You have something to sell or offer and you’re ready to start building trust with your audience
  • You’re new to business and need to start growing a list
  • You’ve been growing your list for a while, it’s stale, and you need some fresh marketing
This might not be for you if…
  • You don’t yet have products, courses, or service to offer for sale
  • You’ve been in business a day or less
  • You’re into spammy, quick-buck tactics
  • You aren’t ready to spend at least $5 on ads

You’re Ready for List Builder Blueprint™ 

There’s payment plans as well, so you don’t have to compromise to 
get the support you need


  • Ideal Audience
  • Lead Magnet
  • Autopilot Strategy
  • Autopilot Strategy ( Group, Templates & Tools, Weekly Q&A, Team Support )
  • Bonus #1: Social Ads Accelerator
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to Updates
  • Bonus #3: The Online Marketing Playbook
  • Bonus #4: Personalized Website Audit


Two Pay

  • Ideal Audience
  • Lead Magnet
  • Autopilot Strategy
  • Autopilot Strategy ( Group, Templates & Tools, Weekly Q&A, Team Support )
  • Bonus #1: Social Ads Accelerator
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to Updates
  • Bonus #3: The Online Marketing Playbook
  • Bonus #4: Personalized Website Audit

2x 1048

Three Pay 

  • Ideal Audience
  • Lead Magnet
  • Autopilot Strategy
  • Autopilot Strategy ( Group, Templates & Tools, Weekly Q&A, Team Support )
  • Bonus #1: Social Ads Accelerator
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to Updates
  • Bonus #3: The Online Marketing Playbook
  • Bonus #4: Personalized Website Audit

3x 699

Six Pay

  • Ideal Audience
  • Lead Magnet
  • Autopilot Strategy
  • Autopilot Strategy ( Group, Templates & Tools, Weekly Q&A, Team Support )
  • Bonus #1: Social Ads Accelerator
  • Bonus #2: Lifetime Access to Updates
  • Bonus #3: The Online Marketing Playbook
  • Bonus #4: Personalized Website Audit

6x 365

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start?

Immediately! As soon as you enroll in List Builder Blueprint™, you’ll get an email from me with your login details and you can start today!

How will I get access to the bonuses?

All of the program content (except the Facebook Group) is inside of the member portal. You’ll get immediate access and you can login there anytime, it’s mobile friendly as well so you can take this on the go!

Do Lead Magnets still work?

YES! 100% - Every Business needs a lead magnet. If yours isn’t working there’s multiple that can be a factor to why it’s not working, and in LBB, I walk through all of that so you know which work for your business

Do you teach the tech?

Great question and the answer is 100% yes! Every Part of the setup that you will need tech for, I will Teach you all of it. And everything is broken down Into manageable, easy, step-by-step chunks. So Even if tech isn’t your thing, I will make it super Easy for you. And you get all of the templates, Swipes, emails, pages, and everything else already Built for you, so that takes a bunch of the tech Work out of the process.
Plus if tech isn’t your thing, you have a few Options:
1. You can give access to a team member to do The tech part for you.
2. You can join me on the live Q&A Calls and We’ll go over the tech there together. OR
3. You can talk to a member of my team and see If we can help.

How will I get access to the bonuses?

Everything is in the membership portal and you'll get access once you sign up

What payment plan is eligible for what bonuses?

I don’t believe in punishing people for stretching out payments. All of the bonuses are available to anyone who signs up for List Builder Blueprint™, the only difference is if you sign up 48-hours after watching the masterclass, you could've qualified for the Fast-Action bonuses, regardless of being a PIF or a payment plan

What if I want a business partner or team member to join me in the program or do the course work instead of me?

You’re welcome to share your access to the membership portal with them. You can have them join the calls if you’d like or they can join instead of you.
I only limit “sharing” or “course seats” when One of my programs like Momentum, includes Live event tickets, live masterminds, retreats, Or stuff like that. Then we have a Partner Fee That we’d add to it, but in the case of LBB, you Are welcome to share your login with a spouse, Business partner, or team member. And we have Login tracking on the membership site to monitor That as well.

How much live support do I get? 

You get weekly live Q&A calls, Team Support, Lifetime access to updates, the personalized website audit, and anyone who qualifies for the Fast-Action

Do I need to run ads to make this work?

No. You don’t need to run ads to make this work. I will say that long-term, yes you need to run ads, but at first, no you don’t and we’ll go over all of that and the timing in LBB

What’s the time commitment?

I get it! If you’re a busy parent, busy entrepreneur, or a busy human like the rest of us, Carving out time to make change can be really hard. I totally get it!
Inside of List Builder Blueprint™, each piece is broken down For you and the video for each piece is short and sweet. So you’ll Be able to watch the video and then have plenty of Implementation time. 

My question wasn't on this list?

Oh, gosh. sorry about that. you can alway email if you have any additional questions

You’ve got this and I’ll be with you 
every step of the way


You’ve got this and I’ll be with you 
every step of the way

Click Here to Watch the Masterclass Again

Click Here to Watch the Masterclass Again

Copyright © 2023 Jillian Kendrick